
20+ Years Experience On Medical & Hygiene Industry.

Sebagai merk produk Alat Kesehatan di Indonesia, M-I bertanggung jawab memberikan kualitas terbaik, dari sisi produksi hingga produk jadi yang dikirimkan ke konsumen. Standard global yang diaplikasikan pada sisi manufaktur dan produk itu sendiri, dibuktikan dengan berbagai sertifikasi. Hal ini sebagai syarat kepercayaan & kenyamanan konsumen, hingga syarat pendistribusiannya ke market.

IS0 9001 : 2015

Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu pada seluruh divisi pada PT Maesindo Indonesia dan PT Medika Maesindo Global untuk memastikan kualitas kerja, kualitas bahan baku hingga kualitas produk jadi yang termonitor dengan baik. Sistem yang terdokumentasi dengan baik menjamin terjaganya kualitas dari hulu hingga hilir demi kepuasan pelanggan.


HACCP certification instantly demonstrates to customers our commitment to producing or trading in safe food and supporting food products. This evidence-based approach can be particularly beneficial when we are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders. Demonstrating a real commitment to food safety through HACCP compliance can also transform our brand and act as an effective entry-to-market tool, opening up new business opportunities around the world.

Certificates of Indonesia (KEMENKES)

Indonesia Ministry of Health issues a regulation for all manufacturers of medical devices are must follow the requirement during the production of medical devices. Be certified will help the manufacturers be trusted by distributor and users, therefore Maesindo Indonesia a manufacturer of disposable nonwoven for medical protection also need to pass this regulation before distributing the products.

Certificate of Medical Devices

Adhering to the principle of Good Manufacturing Practice, the Ministry of Health support Maesindo Indonesia to control the production process, especially for nonwoven medical products are done based on effective & efficient production, clean workers, hygienic rooms, and based on the intended use.